What we do

IN Schools

Eco-Manka transforms the way eco-sustainable values are taught in schools by creating a fun and engaging student-centric community focused on curriculum that generates eco-leadership through civic behavior, activism, and local entrepreneurship amongst its beneficiaries. 

We will use gamified experiential eco-learning tools designed for local youth in socio-economic privileged communities to become civically active with neighbourhood related problems and thus increasing overall direct volunteering activities. 

We aim to show, in our curriculum, that the needs to answer nature’s social, and environmental challenges are similar among all communities, and could be tackled by using technology, arts, and education for leadership and sustainability. 

Through this project, local high school students will choose a preferred neighborhood environmental challenge, and from it learn about: 

  1. Spreading awareness and knowledge about global and local sustainability issues 
  2. The impact they can create and the change they can actively contribute to.
  3. New digital skills developed through the platform for education. 


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in Vulnerable Communities

EcoManka supports underprivileged vulnerable communities through gamified digital educational programs co-designed with community members. Through the program we aim to improve their living conditions in a sustainable way, acquiring the necessary digital, leadership and entrepreneurial skills, as well as learning about environmental and climate challenges from a local perspective.

We are currently implementing our first pilot in Colombia, in collaboration with the University of Antioquia, the Urabá-Darien-Caribe ecotourism corporation and the local community in Bocas del Atrato. EcoManka is leading the development of an innovative game-based curriculum that will allow local youth to learn about their natural and cultural heritage, the environmental challenges of their community and motivate them to ideate and execute solutions involving sustainable ecotourism 

Our goal is to scale this experience via a digital platform, so local NGOs in different parts of the world can replicate its impacts and motivate underprivileged inhabitants to learn and take effective action in solving the relevant  climate challenges in their region. As the projects go forward, a library of digital, game-based educational resources will be available for a variety of topics related to the environment, leadership, and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Vision of our Solution 

Making the EcoManka curriculum available globally so we can advance eco-education and direct engagement to youth populations.

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Environmental NGOS, interested in supporting local environmental problems in your communities? Would you like to co-create, and have access to gamified highly engaging kits to support local youth education and engagement? 

Contact us here to discuss your vision and co-create an educational kit together